City of Heavenly Fire
Author: Cassandra Clare
The Mortal Instruments book 6
Publication date: May 2014
"You need to get a message through? There's always carrier kittens."
"You mean pigeons," said Bat. "Carrier pigeons."
Malcolm shook his head. "Carrier kittens. They're so cute, no one can deny them. Fix your mouse problems too." p.411
So, the eager wait for the finale of this series is over, and boy, did it go off with a bang...or several. In regards to how addictive is was, well, it had its moments where I was hard-pressed putting it down. But being probably Cassandra Clare's biggest book, in terms of length (geesh 725 pages plus extras) meant it wasn't a one night sitting kind of thing. For which I am glad because she had some serious wrapping up to do!
Any fervour I thought lost in the previous novels was headily regained in the finale, as might be expected of the last of a series. I have a friend that gave-up half way through the series, but I'm glad I didn't despite
some tiny reservations. I just remembered how much I adored the first book and how excited I was. So, this book was some kind of a blessing. It had juicy bits, romance, and some intense fighting scenes/chapters. Sometimes all at once.
This story is action packed, but nicely spaced out by some much needed explanations and twisty-turns that make the heart race a bit, they do. I especially like the role of the faeries in this book (not just because of my obsession with them) but because it really upped the supernatural game. A lot of the downworlders in this book have some link that ties them to humanity, but how can something so removed from humanity have it, and should they be charged for sins according to humanity?
Plus, this book is ever more filled with kick-ass characters, some of which we're meeting for the first time; a pretty despicable, yet pitiful, villain, and slimy demons. Clary, Jace, Simon, Isabelle, and Alec really kick some serious demon (and non-demon) ass - which they've always done, but this time the odds are stacked very much against them.
And, I suppose, not to give too much away, the odds do over-stack a little towards the end. Which I liked, I'm not one for happy-endings and smiles, but like most of Clare's stories, this balances out. Which is actually my
problem with this book. I know it's not all left resolved and new problems are ever looming on the horizon casting shadows and all that, but uncannily I get that 'it's all roses' feeling in regards to the main crew and all their lot. Not that they don't deserve them. It
does avoid the rabid screaming of fans when they realise their favourite character didn't get their dreams, hopes, and desires. But personally, I like a bit more, dare I say, misery...? Maybe not the right word, I just like it when my expectations are dashed and changed, I find it invigorating.
On the other hand, the story is really put together well, with its usual sky-high level of snark and cheekiness. Do watch out for those tear jerking (ripping) moments thought, will ya? God knows there's enough of them.
So, bidding adieu to
The Mortal Instruments and awaiting the birth of the next batch of shadowhunting, kick-ass, demon-slaying greatness, so I can get my fix.